The team had all reached their goal as we all stood high up on Kala Patthar. Just before all hope was lost that we would see Everest’s summit, the cloud cleared and in all her glory the highest point on earth stood it seemed so close.
The team had all reached their goal as we all stood high up on Kala Patthar. Just before all hope was lost that we would see Everest’s summit, the cloud cleared and in all her glory the highest point on earth stood it seemed so close.
“It was not merely a single mountain, he told me; it was a whole country of its own and parts of it were still unexplored. His descriptions of its wild grandeur, its glaciers and precipices, its valleys full of flowers and its surprisingly blue tarns set down here and there in the wastes of rock, filled me with a longing to be off.” Vivienne de Watteville Speak to the Earth
Thanks to all the donors who have supported the African Ascents Mt Kenya COVID-19 Relief Fund. Our first food packages went out yesterday!
We are reaching out to friends and contacts around the world to ask for support for the men and women who make their living on Mt Kenya. The price of 2 starbucks coffees will provide maize meal (cornmeal) for a family of 4 for a week. If, during this lockdown period, you’ve had to give up your morning takeaway coffee perhaps you could consider donating the cost of a coffee to our relief fund.